Delete User Data

To request account deletion, please send us an email following the below instructions:

  1. Send email to
  2. Email ought to be send from your account email
  3. Email subject: Account Deletion
  4. Optionally tell us why you decide to delete your account.

Once recevied, we shall within 24 hours delete all personal data associated with that account. This may include:

  1. Personal information like name, email address, phone number, and physical address.
  2. User-generated content such as messages, phone book, or phonebook groups.
  3. Usage data like logins, account activity, and history.
  4. Preferences or settings saved within the account.
It's essential that you review the our privacy policy or terms of service to understand what data will be deleted and what may be retained even after the account is deactivated.

Retention period is usually 24 hours but may take a little longer based on how busy our servers are.

Login Terms